Using Hemorrhoid Ointment on the Face

This week a very funny video circulated on the internet promoting the use of hemorrhoid ointment on the face, making us all wonder, does that work?

These creams contain components such as Hamamelis extract, Atropa belladonna extract, lidocaine, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, polycresulene, and Centella Asiatic, which acts on inflammation and is a diuretic. Roughly speaking, they are ointments with an anti-vasodilator effect. 

It cannot be said that it is the best anti-dark circle on the market since dark circles can be composed of vases, pigment (melanin), or both. In this case, the benefit of the ointment occurs only for the dark circles made up of vases; in the dark circles made of melanin there would be no improvement and in the dark circles composed of both factors, the improvement would be partial.

Its continuous use is not recommended if there is a corticoid in the composition, it can cause side effects.

Long story short, it can work for some people, but nothing replaces frequent skin cleansing, advanced treatments like microneedling, micro-focused ultrasound, dermo-cosmetic creams, and the good old friend, the sunscreen.


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