What is Exfoliation?

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Exfoliation deeply cleanses and promotes skin cell renewal, eliminating dead cells and impurities through peeling or abrasion (chemical or physical exfoliation). These residues leave the face aged, dry and dull. Exfoliation is capable of leaving the skin smooth, smooth, and ready for hydration.

This procedure improves the texture of the skin, leaving it more luminous, even, soft and fresh. It also stimulates collagen production, reduces oiliness, improves blood circulation, unclogs pores, increases the absorption capacity of other products, and combats the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines.

Attention: the exfoliation procedure cannot be performed after depilation or exposure to the sun as it may hurt the area that is already sensitized.

Right after exfoliation is mandatory to hydrate the skin with products specific to your skin type. 

The Skin Station Spa has customized protocols according to your skin needs.


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