Why You Should Not Use Body Soap On Your Face

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The first step to having healthier and more beautiful skin is to cleanse your skin every day! But it can't be with any product and without paying close attention.

Every part of your body has a level of sensitivity. The skin on the face, for example, is more sensitive than the body, as it daily suffers from sweat, pollution, sun and many other factors that can harm it.

To protect the face from external aggressions, the body produces natural substances such as fat, which is a real natural barrier against everything that comes in contact with the face with the potential to harm it. When this barrier is removed in the washing process, due to the use of incorrect and very aggressive products, it leaves the face more sensitive and susceptible to irritation.

That's exactly why the skin on the face needs specific care, ranging from the choice of soap to choice of makeup. Soaps designed for the body is more hydrating and have different oils in their composition.

These characteristics are generally associated with the care that the skin on the face needs, but when a person chooses to use body soap on their face, the skin tends to become even oilier or drier and to develop irritations, acne and expression lines.

Using the wrong soap can also clog pores and make it difficult to absorb creams and products that really treat the dermis.

For the face, which is generally oilier than other regions, the ideal is to use liquid soap and specific for your skin type. Liquid and gel textures are smooth and less aggressive to the face.

In addition, the pH, that is, the degree of acidity of face products, is usually lower or even neutral, compared to the pH of the body


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